Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Communication By:Yesenia Saldana
Have you ever wondered why kids need to communicate? have one reason why kids need to communicate it’s because they can talk to their family and friends. The way kids can communicate is by facebook instagram kik snapchat (etc.) its very different then when my mom and grandpa were growing up. My mom told me when she was a young little girl that she would communicate with her friends by yelling and throwing rocks.She would write note or letter on a piece of paper and wrap it around the rock and throw the rock to her friend. Can you believe that?
One of my favorite ways to communicate is by using my phone. One of the reasons is because there are so many ways to communicate with my friends. For example,in my phone i use facebook, instagram,(etc.) i use them by downloading an app. in my phone i can also text people.for example the people that i text are like my friends because if sometimes we want to hang out.
Another reason, how i communicate with my friends and family is by facebook because in facebook i can text my friends. I like how facebook works because in facebook you can meet new people on facebook you have to download an app in order to use facebook on your phone. If people use facebook daily it gets addictive. You can also use facebook to text your family that live far.
I know you think that talking on the phone is a great what to communicate. but, what if the person you are trying to communicate is busy? In other words if they are at work or can’t get your call. they can call you or text you when they have the chance. One of the reasons why texting is faster is because if the person you are trying to communicate doesn’t answer they can see your message and text you back.

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